Friday, June 29, 2012

The Worst Part

So tonight I needed a break, (my husband is on a vacation from school so our nap schedule is off, and when the nap schedule is off, Mommy gets slightly cranky.) Little Bear went to spend the evening with Grandma, Grandpa and his Aunty.  And I sat and crocheted. Honestly. And I was pretty darn content doing so.  Ok, so we did eat a quick dinner and watched a movie.  Though I never really watch movies, unless I am at a theater, (I find they don't generally keep it bright enough for me to crochet...)  My husband will stop and rewind when there is a part he thinks I should watch, otherwise I just look up from my work every once and a while.

Anyways, I have come to my least favorite part of any project.  Weaving in the ends... it is so frustrating and time consuming!  Most of the time my projects only require a couple ends to be woven in, like my hats or scarves.  But I chose this beautiful pattern from Lion Brand yarn for my Grandmother's birthday present.  I chose it because the motif looks like a dogwood blossom and those flowers always remind me of my Grandfather who passed away in 2007.

Of course I used a different type of yarn and two different colors (such a rule breaker...)

Ugh!  Got to get going, time doesn't slow down for anyone, especially cross eyed crafters...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cake Dreams

I keep having this weird recurring dream/nightmare.  It starts out happy, we are celebrating my littlest sisters birthday, all my family is there, and my Mom has made her a beautiful cake.

(Note: My Mom's cake are the absolute best in the world.  They are always so beautiful.  They are so moist and delicious and always have the perfect ration of iceing/cake.  Her cakes are what I use to judge all other cakes, and most of those cakes don't stack up. Yes, I am a cake snob.)

In my dream we all gather around the cake and since it's her birthday my sister gets to cut the cake.  She sticks the knife in and the top layer of the cake flings off on to her shirt and slides off on to the floor.  The cake is ruined! In my dream I always get so sad and angry and then I wake up.  Then I wish I had a piece of my Mom's cake.

As far as dreams go it's not terribly weird, what is weird is hat I keep having it (and it's not even that close to her birthday!)

I'll have to wait till Sunday to get my piece of cake though, we are celebrating my Grandmother's 80th Birthday!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Been a long time...

Oh my, it's been a long time!  But I haven't forgotten about you!  May was an extremely busy month and it turns out June was too!  I am finally feeling like I can breath again!

We've been enjoying some beautiful weather around here lately!  We've been trying to get some time in the pool every night!  And yesterday we visited Letchworth State Park for a picnic and some walking.  It is absolutely gorgeous there!
Me at Inspiration Point - Letchworth State Park. I bring my crocheting everywhere!  
I used to try to write at night or during little Bears nap (like now!  Thank you Jesus!) but lately I have been having a wicked time getting him to sleep.  We've got a routine (diaper change, jammies, songs or a book or two, teeth get brushed, nurse and then I rock him to sleep.) but now he screams and kicks while I try rocking him and he ends up eventually wearing himself out so that when I nurse him again he falls asleep.   I am trying to slowly wean him and I don't really want to keep letting him nurse to sleep.  

My husband thinks I should let him cry it out in his crib, he figures he would be crying either way...  But I honestly can't bring myself to leave him screaming in his crib, believe me I've tried.

If anyone has any suggestions please let me know, I am completely exhausted!