Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Coffee in the Garden?

For the past couple months I've been working on my little garden.  I've had a couple brilliant ideas for my garden (well, I think they are brilliant anyways...) I'll share one with you today.

I love the Keurig, but it seems wasteful to toss out the plastic k-cups.  I decided they would be perfect as seed starters.  They are the perfect size and they already have the little drainage holes.  Also they are plastic so when you are ready to transplant to a larger pot or the ground the plant comes out with out much of a struggle.

After my morning cup of coffee (and it cooled!) I took the k-cup and a knife and removed the foil, dumped out the coffee and removed the filter.
Mmmm - Caramel drizzle, one of my favorites

I rinsed these, but I did some other ones outside that I didn't rinse.
(I had heard that coffee is a good fertilizer!)
Later, when I had a whole bunch, I filled them with a little moistened potting soil, planted a seed and placed them in a sunny spot!

Watch them grow!
Best of all I will save these and be able to use these again next year!  

Anybody else have some really great gardening ideas?

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