Saturday, August 25, 2012


So sorry it's been so far between posts.  My hubby is on break from school!  It has been nice to have him home, but he sure does use the computer a lot!  (it's that Fantasy Football time of the year again, it's this season, fall through February that I wish I had my own lap top, but I am extremely happy I have my smart phone!)  Eh, it's all good, I've been busy with a couple million projects!

In honor of the start of football season.  I'm gonna add this cozy to my etsy shop!

Yarn crafters do you ever start a project with full intentions of giving it to someone else (or in my case selling on etsy) and then you fall in love with it and don't think you can bear to part with it?  I found this yummy yarn in the clearance bin at Joann's.  It's Lion Brands Amazing in Vineyard, normally $6 or $7 per skein, on sale for less then $2.  Yes Please!!  It's a blend of acrylic and wool fibers and with its subtle change of colors (purples, pinks, greens, oh my!) I thought it would make a perfect circle scarf!

It worked up quickly with my K hook, each one of the beautiful vineyard colors merging into the next.  The fabric it created was so light, but warm at the same time.  When I was finished I knew that it had to be mine.

Thank goodness I bought two skeins!


I think it suits me!  

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Here's a Toast

Funny how things change isn't it?

I remember when I was little and my parents burnt toast, they would take a butter knife and scrape off the edges over the sink (we are not talking charcoal here, just a bit too crispy around the edges)  For some reason I never liked when they would do this.  "Why don't they just make me another piece of toast?" I thought, "I will never do that to my kid's toast!"

Well one day I was fixing breakfast and got a bit distracted trying to do eight things at once, and the baby was yelling, and the edges of the whole wheat toast in the toaster got burnt (which really doesn't take very long as our toaster is about as hot as the sun....) I quickly pull out the toast and guess what I found myself doing?  Yup, you guessed it!  I scraped off those burnt edges, cut it up into bite sized pieces and served them to Little Bear, which instantly stopped his yelling.

I get it now.  :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Nap time is cleaning time...

At least today it is...  Usually it is nap time is craft time.

It's hard to believe but today is my husband and I's four year anniversary.  We decided no flowers, no gifts, and no cards.  I still want to do something nice for him so for the past couple of days I have been chipping away at the mess that is our bedroom.  I know that the mess drives him crazy, and it is pretty much all my fault.  (In my defense I am hardly ever in our bedroom for longer than 2 or 3 hours at a time...) It is slowly but surely getting better though, at this point it only looks like my closet exploded.

I also crocheted us matching turquoise coasters (the ones we use now have seen better days.) and I made a set of crocheted bowls one to put spare change from my pockets in, and the other to keep the jewelry I wear most often in.  (I also made a coaster for my cell phone to sit on, I HATE the sound of it buzzing against my nightstand when someone texts me or the alarm goes off.)

Little Bear is napping now, lets hope it's a long one!!

Wish me luck!

Coasters!  The big one is for my cell phone (or a giant mug of coffee!!) 

Little bowls!  

Oh so stack able, aren't they cute??!!  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Oh dear... I hope my neighbors weren't looking...

I got Little Bear down for his afternoon nap and wanted to change my clothes, so I  tiptoed down stairs to get my shirt, on my way I noticed that something needed to be thrown out, from there I noticed that some dirty laundry needed to be put in the hamper, after that I noticed something needed to be put away.... Every time I got something straightened up or put away I saw something else that needed my attention.  Then I noticed I still had not put on my shirt and that I was in fact walking around in front of the windows with the shades wide open....

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

We Have Lift Off!!

Oh man, have I been a busy Mama the last couple of days!  I like being busy though!

Little Bear has started walking, he's not completely done with crawling but he's getting better and better at balancing.  Last Thursday he walked the longest amount, though I couldn't tell you how many steps he took.  When he fell forward towards his Daddy he started clapping for the first time.  (Can you tell how we were cheering him on?!)  I was so proud of him!  And he certainly looked proud of himself!

I have recently been trying to catch his walking on video, I've got a couple short snippets, but they are all kind of blurry and well, really short...  

Friday, August 3, 2012

A new purpose!!

Huggies baby wipe bin, cute pattern! 

If you are a mom like me you have probably had a couple of these baby wipe bins laying around your house.  (At one point we had baby wipes in multiple rooms, you know, just in case.)  Now that we don't need as many of the boxes I have been looking for ways to re purpose them.  I know in the past I have seen them reused as crayon holders.

I turned mine into a yarn dispenser!  They are the perfect size to hold a ball or two of yarn.  It has a built in slot where the wipes would feed through.  And since it's made for a child's item there are no rough edges that you could snag your yarn on!

I had tried to use a Folger's 29 oz (HUGE) plastic coffee can for this same purpose, but I couldn't get the smell of stale coffee out of it, and I don't want my projects to smell like gross stale coffee!    

There's not really much you need to do to turn the wipe box into a yarn dispenser.  Once you have used all the wipes make sure the inside is clean and dry.  Then just stick the yarn you are using into it, feed the end of the yarn through the slot, close the lid, and viola!  You are ready to crochet and knit away with out having to worry about your yarn balls flinging across the room and being stolen by your toddler/dog/cat/monkey/etc....    


Beginnings of a project! 

If you have any great ideas for re purposing these baby wipe bins please feel free to comment below, I would LOVE to hear them!!

Thanks for reading!