Sunday, August 19, 2012

Here's a Toast

Funny how things change isn't it?

I remember when I was little and my parents burnt toast, they would take a butter knife and scrape off the edges over the sink (we are not talking charcoal here, just a bit too crispy around the edges)  For some reason I never liked when they would do this.  "Why don't they just make me another piece of toast?" I thought, "I will never do that to my kid's toast!"

Well one day I was fixing breakfast and got a bit distracted trying to do eight things at once, and the baby was yelling, and the edges of the whole wheat toast in the toaster got burnt (which really doesn't take very long as our toaster is about as hot as the sun....) I quickly pull out the toast and guess what I found myself doing?  Yup, you guessed it!  I scraped off those burnt edges, cut it up into bite sized pieces and served them to Little Bear, which instantly stopped his yelling.

I get it now.  :)

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